Sunday, February 26, 2012

The award goes to.....!

This week at work they brought in a new intern. His name is Alex. I get the pleasure to train him. I am trying to get him to a point where he can execute Garde Manger by himself. Not much luck so far but yee of little faith.

“Everybody Is A Genius. But If You Judge A Fish By Its Ability To Climb A Tree, It Will Spend Its Whole Life Thinking It’s Stupid.” -Albert Einstein

So he is the new fish. He asked me yesterday if I was either really really patient or just bad at being straight up at people and giving it to them straight. I told him, I must be really really patient because I have no problem with the latter! I have been really patient. Everyday I get him to practice plating about 15 dishes at a time. I think the dishwasher doesn't like our new little fish. I, however trust that he will get there. Just needs lots and lots of practice.

So who does the award for most patience goes to?! ME!!!! 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

18 and barely legal....

My youngest sister Nessie whom turned 18 not even two weeks ago eloped this past week. I have a new brother in law whom I have not had the pleasure ( or displeasure ) of meeting yet. I just hope my sister builds a foundation to this marriage. I pray God gives her and her new husband wisdom to make this marriage work. This also makes me kind of sad for all the lost possibilities. I am just praying she makes new ones and lives to up to them. To marriage and all the foolish decisions we are led to make in the name of youth and living.

We are young
so let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
than the sun"-Fun

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Poetically Tragic

Bah! Nicholas Sparks how I adore thy books, but why are you always so poetically tragic. I just finished watching Nights in Rodanthe. I had put off watching it because when it comes to Nicholas Sparks,well I usually like to read the books first. I thought I'd make an exception and watch the movie. I was bawling my eyes out at the end!  I still thought it was a beautiful story and again kudos for a great romantic story that was said in such a beautifully poetic way, a way that is so simple and yet so captivating. A way only Nicholas Sparks can do.

When I grow up.....

You know that question that they ask 5 year old kids when they are in school? So what do you want to be when you grow up? My response at that early age (cause by that age I definitely have my life plan figured out and know what I want to do ) was to be a fireman. Firewoman. haha. Mostly this had to do with my admiration with fire. I loved the stuff. It's destruction. The way it enveloped anything it came in contact with and how differently it would burn and the different smells it would penetrate. Well I found it fascinating. As I grew into my adolescent years I became interested in blades. Mostly pocket blades. They were shiny and sharp.

What do I do for a living now you ask?

I play with fire and knives all day....... I guess I never really did grow out of it.

Wee hours fun

So I did something today I have not done in such a long time. Something that any of you whom really know me know I love to do. I painted. Though, I didn't have any new clean canvases so I used the inside of a shoe box lid. Yes, I do have those in abundance! Bear with me it is not my greatest work and looks like the art project of a 5 year old but picking up that brush and smearing colors with brush strokes against a blank surface. Well it felt magnificent I just wanted to continue brushing the brush against the white and make it disappear.

Hello Mirror

Taking it old school. I would never have the guts to post these on Facebook but here, well this is my domain if you don't like it. Too bad ;) the stupid cliche mirror pictures that when we look good we just can't resist to take :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

You better watch it white boy

So, yesterday at work. Very sarcastically and humorous so you may know. Nathan (waiter, also Chef's younger brother) was in the dish washing room quickly stealing a bite. I stroll in there to do something (probably to get something from the freezer) when Nathan suddenly calls out
Nathan: "Don't look at me like that"
Me : "What, you want to start something."
Nathan: "Yes, right here right now."
Me: " Ah, yeah white boy (taking out my self-assist knife out of my pocket and with ease pop it open with one hand) right here right now."
Nathan: "hahahah never mind I forget you're Mexican."
Bahahahaha. No laughing in the kitchen! This isn't fun it's work! Except for when we have fun. All day.. :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Eres Sexy y lo Sabes.....

I am damn proud to be a Latin woman. We have flavor. We thirst for life.. We celebrate with dance! We are very passionate beings. We have soul, AND we put it all out there!

Para toda mi patria Ajùa!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Being that girl, is a good thing but I won't let that title define me. I will define it. It is up to you to decide who you want to be. What you stand for and what you believe in. Don't be afraid to be yourself.  Don't be afraid of your own identity and learn to live up to it and the world will either accept you or they won't, only because you might have stopped living the version of the you that they wanted you to be. Imitation is suicide -Emerson. When you do this is when you will truly blossom and be whom you were supposed to be all along. Do what you were supposed to do all along and change all those hearts whom you were meant to touch. You will be a colorful beacon in this world. An inspiration to human kind.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”-Marylin Monroe

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." e. e. Cummings

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." -Harvey Fierstein

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I had my own Real Life musical to this.....Love

Avery and Rodney this one's  for you!

Who's the Bunn Squeezer!

So have I ever mentioned we have the most awesome family meals! If you are not in the restaurant world and do not understand this reference this is simply stating food for the staff. Family meals. Anyways, Zach bought in some amazing Jack Daniel's home made sausage which we then braised in Beer and Chef made home made hot dog buns. So hot dogs. Dang right. We do it right. The title of this post refers to whomever squeezed those buns before they were ready and was too afraid to admit it when we were all yelling for this cruel misconduct of the hot dog buns. We know you are out there. The truth will eventually come out.
Tonight we had a pizza with an Escoffier bechamel which then was transformed into this garlicky awesome sauce. With chicken, caramelized onions, nuskies bacon (most awesome bacon like EVER), spinach, chicken and of coursed topped off with some provolone cheese. Yumm is right.
Tomorrow, or should I say today is the super bowl!!!
Sadly I'm working. Chef didn't believe me when I told him I might be hospital sick on Sunday. He said he knows where I live and he'd barge in my door.

My reply was "you know there are tv's in a hospital."
Then there was this case of super bowl flu going around work. Really really bad and really contagious.
The front of the house manager Roger asked our boss owner lady if we could have the day off. She said no, but his argument was SOLID. It went something like this.... " so you know we work thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines, Mothers Day, Fourth of July you name it we work it, we don't complain and none of us has ever asked to be off because we all know in this industry to expect to work holidays, but the Super Bowl! come one, it's the only day we ask for!" See what I mean SOLID. It's the only day we were all trying to get off. Over Christmas. HA! Gotta love these guys I work for. Btw talking about the guys, I never thought "don't you dare put his self-esteem down, the boy needs confidence" sentence to ever come out of my mouth. I guess I am mother hen.