Thursday, December 29, 2011

I still check to see if my hand makes an L

So I have been extremely busy with work this week. Christmas and New Years and all. We only had 1 day off this uweek which I took to visit my dad. I drove after work on Sunday and got there around 3 in the morning. Woke up early the next day because the family was up and ate Tamales! Yum! Spent a little time with my dad. Him driving "his"bike, it's really mine but that particular bike has been at his house for ever that he has adopted it as his own and does not let anybody else drive "his" bike. Ha! I did however take it from it and took it around the block. He insisted I get off it since I was in a dress and heels and he persisted that my dress rode up too much on a bike. Dads what can you do? Spent quality time with my sister and went to go visit my oldest brother, Emilio and his family. One of the presents I gave one of his kids was a set of 5 different stacks of princess playing cards. So me and the kids started off by playing Go Fish. It was a mean game of Go Fish. My brother wanted to play Burro Empanzado which is a card game in which if you loose you drink. In our case each time you lost you drank a full glass of water! I only lost once. My sister lost 4 times! She definitely got her water intake for the day. :) It was a really fun game and my first time playing it.
From there we continued to visit my next to oldest brother, Ricardo and his family. This is the brother with the 13 year old boy. I always love coming here because his wife is a total housewife and had fresh cookies and my favorite Chai Latte for me! Btw my brother blames me with her ongoing and recent obsession with Soy Chai Latte. Yes, it's totally my fault. ;)  Anyways here I played a round of Sponge Bob dominoes with the kids. This consists of Sponge Bob pictures on the tiles instead of numbers so children can play as well. My two sisters and his family we all played a round of UNO. This was probably the longest ongoing game of UNO I have ever played! It lasted for about 2 hours! No, I did not loose. Actually I was the first one out then continued to get my nephew out. What can I say he knows I have a soft spot with him, him being my first nephew and all. He most definitely takes advantage of the fact. Haha anyways, we watched a movie afterward and I did not end up getting home til about 2 in the morning.
I drove the long 4 hour drive back to my house at 7am only to get here to work an 11 hour shift that most definitely kicked my butt! This whole week is going to be so hectic! I can't wait for it to be over and hoping for next week to be really slow. I could use some slow in my life right about now. Wait next week is next year! Ah! :) 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Phone Overload

So it's 2:30 am and my phone keeps blowing off. 34 text messages and 18 voicemails! WHAT!?!? So I did what any sane person would do and instead of reading those text or listening to those voicemails I just press the Dial person button. News, my 19 year old brother is engaged........hooray.  Can I go back to sleep now?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mistake #1

So I was at work today pondering on what to get my 13 year old nephew for Christmas. I speak my thoughts out loud and ask a co-worker of mine "What do I get a 13 year old boy?" his response "A 15 year old girl." Everyone else agreed. Granted everyone else is also male. Advice taken into consideration.

Also I learned today that food on a stick sales 25% more than food not on a stick. Just in case you are ever wondering of having your own stand in a state fair, or just your very entrepreneurial local lemonade stand. Lemonade cup on a stick? I think we'll have to think about this some more. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Praying for North and South Korea

As their future is in question right now and the whole world is asking the same question. What is going to happen? Who will take on the leadership? What does this mean?
I'm only concerned about the future of these people and ask God to help them in whatever ordeals are to come. The unsureness of their future lies in a delicate balance at the moment. 

This Makes Me Sad.

They are crying over the death of their leader in North Korea. As if they had lost their God. A man they never met and probably never cared for them. It makes me sad. It's disturbing to watch.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Yes its Gentic!

My sisters busting a move!

This is Cris!

This is Nessie!

Yes they are totally hating me for uploading these here. 

Food for Champions

Jet (my sous chef) deep frying a 1/2 lb cheesy potato burrito from Taco Bell! Yes this is what we do.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A poet speaks

The highest revelation is that God is in every man. -Emerson

P.s this is a picture of one of my set of parents. :D Mother and Dery.


Workplace chit chat

So today's main topics at work were conspiracy theories and the existence of parallel universes. One of my coworkers life was described as a storybook worthy typical stoner on acid. Did I mention a previous coworker is part of the Reno ghost hunters. I believe in God. So needless to say we are all crazy. Some more than others.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm an aunt again!

 I have not met her yet but her name is Aaliyah! My beautiful new niece. I found out today she was born on Sunday and that she is still in the hospital for observation so please keep this precious treasure in your prayers!

Mushroom Picker

So today we had Jose the mushroom picker come into our restaurant today. Yes, there are professional mushroom pickers! who knew. We don't buy them for the restaurant, obviously, because buying mushrooms from Jose the mushroom picker, well that doesn't sound too good. Though some of our wait staff and other staff do. So Jose makes his weekly visits to the restaurant with his cooler full of mushrooms to sell. I know! He does have variety. Some might even be leaning to the other side of the law, but I have never seen such things so don't quote me ;) I know nothing.

Skiing Playlist

So I spent many hours into the wee hours yesterday updating and changing my skiing playlist. It's off the hook! Now all I need is some fresh powder and I'm good to go. Yeah still no snow. :( We are all suffering here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Suspense is Killing me!

So this is the cutest thing! You have to watch it!
 That 'back' kick is gonna turn into a deadly spin kick someday. In twelve years nobody is going to be laughing...... Also it's a good thing they have their helmets on.

Trip Overview

So a few of you have been asking me how my trip went. I have been unusually busy and will only get to get more so. So instead of giving you the one word answers and expecting you to run along. Well I'll share it with everyone. By the way the one word answer is "Amazing."
So my trip started in Phoenix, Arizona. It was my first stop where I visited a friend, Brandon, whom I know as a former co-worker here in Tahoe. Anyways, I stayed at the resort in which he was the caretaker. So this resort was out two hours outside of Phoenix and was solar powered and they grew a lot of their own food. How cool is that! A self sustainable resort. Needless to say after work and an exciting trip ahead of me a resort was just what I needed. He ended taking me to Jerome, AZ which according to Wikipedia (cause we know how reliable this is) it was once dubbed as the wickedest town in the west. Of course I would find myself here "accidentally" ;) . I also learned that this town was an old miners town. Which according to their history, the mines were eventually shut down and the town deserted. It has recently resurfaced as an artist community. Which is pretty insanely cool. Also this part of Arizona is an upcoming and rising wine country. So my culinary self's interest was piqued. This whole trip was very restful and full of interesting information. Thank you Brandon.
Moving on to Houston which was my next stop. In this leg of my trip I visited my friend Kelsey Young. Whom is extremely busy with PA school. Me and Kelsey went to college together as most of the rest of my friends that I will write about from here on out.
I have some interesting memories with Kelsey, for example running off 16 hours into Mexico on one of our spring breaks in college! Yes, yes back to the task at hand. I will stop reminiscing. HAHA. So here I got to be in Houston for the first time. I was picked up at the airport by Jonathan Sims. Another college buddy. He played as my guide for most of this trip. He so kindly took me and stayed with me while we went to the Houston Fine Arts Museum in which I stayed in mesmerized for hours! This was definitely a highlight of my trip since I got to see a lot of works by a lot of artists and painters I like and admire. He also took me to this Hobbit Cafe which is entirely based on Lord of the Rings. Awesome. Which by the way a girl there even came to my table and commented on my phone cover! Oh fellow geeks. How I miss thee.
Moving on. Kelsey had previously committed for me to do a dessert cooking demo for one of her friends birthday parties. I wasn't too stoked on the idea at first, since this is what I do for a living and this was supposed to be my vacation. Besides I am not too crazy about desserts and teaching a bunch of non-culinary people how to cook. Well that's an entire ball game all together. So we started that evening by having Korean BBQ (my first time!). I was thankfully seated next to someone I had met the previous day at church, John. Also according to John I masqueraded as a Quantum Physicist/Chef/ Concert Violinist/ Professional Interpretive Dancer. HAHA. Although he is happy to know that I have taken the interpretative dancer role seriously. I have even begun to practice at work, where there are a lot of sharp objects and fire. So needless to say I am ready to do some interpretive dance wherever and whenever the need arises.   From there we headed to the house where the party was to be hosted and where I was going to do my demo. I thought them how to make a simple creme-brulee and a basic fruit tart. I had previously made a creme brulee so after I thought them how to make it I just took the other one out and ta-da! I know I know! This turned out to be a big blessing and I am really glad I got the opportunity to be a part of this as it also served as a gateway for me to play a role in this party other than not knowing anybody and standing around awkwardly. Everybody was really accommodating and thankful. So all in all it was a very good experience and I got to meet a lot of great people. Most of them Asians. Kelsey is a little confused sometimes. To answer Johns question again if I had had enough Asian presence. Well of course not. I did live in San Francisco!
The following morning I had convinced Kelsey to go to the Renaissance faire with me and Sims. His good friend Rusell drove us there. Texas Renaissance Faire! It was spectacular! In which I even formed a school girl crush on the fire whip guy! I mean come on the guy has a double degree in physics and math and he makes a living whipping whips. Tell me that is not cool. Fire, whips that sounds a little intriguing to me. Also we found out that the turkey legs that were being sold at the faire were really emu legs! So these things were huge! We ended the day by listening to Tartanic which is a bag pipe band. Yep. Bag pipes. I
loved seeing my friends again and was truly delighted to meet Kelsey's roomates whom were anything but nice to me and a large group of friends she has made in Houston. Thank you Kelsey! I love you and I miss you friend! We need to have another chick flick night. Please. I don't get those very often. hahaha.
Continuing on to the next leg of my trip, Dallas. Though I am too tired and drawn out of so much writing that I will have to continue this part of my trip until my next post! HAHA good night you guys.


For those of you who don't know me nearly as well as others. Well I'll let you in on a little secret. I do have a bit of Sarcasm.

Holiday Season

So the Holiday season is just around the corner. Now for everyone I know this is an exciting time. As well as it should be. For me however it means that I will be even busier with work. Alas, I ask that you celebrate with me in mind during these holidays.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day off.

This week I had three days off. Which needless to say was greatly needed. Now I can't wait to get this week over with so that I can start my travels on Monday! So stoked.
So today I made that wretched and long put off drive to Reno. I know, I know it's only half an hour away. You just don't understand. There were a few errands I needed to do, that honestly I had been putting off for a while, but chores aside. I did get to do some fun things! Which in girl language that means shopping. Hey! We don't have any department or designer stores in Truckee. Please, have some consideration for these mountain girls deprive (or blessing). Anyways, I bought some new makeup (not exactly new but as in had run out of that particular thing). This always makes me happy. Two new dresses, welcoming the warmer weather I will be having in Texas, of course. Finally, I was able to sit and eat some Pho. One of my favorite things to do when I am down in Reno. So good, so filling. Yum! This was the highlight of my day. That and I got to see my friends and have a health presentation. So to put in perspective I guess the health consciousness presentation was the most important part of my day. Hold on, I'm rethinking that. Nope, definitely the shopping. :) HA!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dating Sites?

So this is extremely embarrassing to admit. Here goes. I just created a profile on I was or am extremely curious about how these things work. I am happy being single. Though fact, once my profile was completed. I went ahead and deleted it. HAHAH! I couldn't let myself do this. This is so not me or for me! At all! I don't even know if I want a relationship. I don't know if I want a relationship now! I barely have time to go and buy new pairs of socks. Which you would understand if you knew were i lived. Where you have to drive to Reno for the nearest store where you can find a wide variety or options and prices for socks. Though I feel that i should disclose that if i so wanted to i could get ski socks right around the corner from my house, and every other corner after that. :) Point being, buying socks is at least a half days adventure. A relationship? Man. Let me think of that some more. :D

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Warmer days?

The weather keeps changing around here. It stormed for two
days which I completely loved! Then it got warm, which allowed me to go kayaking with my girl Izzy. Adore. Everyone around
here is saying it's going to be an early winter. Not that I don't believe them though I am a little inclined to disbelief since everyone saying this is a little bit of a ski or board bum. Though I am hoping for a bit more of warm days. Before I have to put on my skis and slide down the bunny slopes. Hey, hey I might not be that great, yet, but I live here and will get to do this on a daily basis with no more than a 5 minute drive. So the way I see it, the jokes on you my friend :)



“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.”

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Parents surprise visit

So.... The parents are "surprising" Me for my birthday weekend by visiting ;)

Lucky to have me

Growing up with movies like Disney and other media driven propaganda we are led to believe that we are somehow special and unique. I quite disagree. Not that's it's not true but I believe you can't be special and unique to an individual until they get to know you. You can't expect for an important or famous person to remember your face least your name. To them you are just another fan. It is until you become more of a fan that you become memorable. When this happens it is like a huge compliment to be remembered in a sea of faces. I do however believe that our experiences, knowledge and the environment we were set in this world are unique to every individual. Nobody else knows everything exactly like us or has had the same experiences much less raised in the same environment with the same rules and customs. That would be bizarre.

Not to sound conceited in any way but I know that I posses a lot of good qualities. Qualities that were driven into me by my parents and qualities that I had to work on to obtain. I was raised very old school I guess you could say. I was raised to be a lady and everything that that entails. I was thought not to argue or speak back (though this doesn't always work). I was thought to keep my voice at a certain noise level ( yes this is why I am so soft spoken and lets have a laugh for the old church mouse comment). I know sewing, knitting, painting, drawing, interior decorating, flower arranging (don't ask), have a good fashion sense, and of-course I can cook better than most committed housewives. The last one comes with the territory in which I have depended my livelihood on ( I think the only thing i missed was knowing how to play the piano and have a broad knowledge of languages to be the perfect 18th century housewife). When a meal is prepared I serve men first. It's what I was thought. I remember their dislikes and likes. A woman always has to be attentive. I was thought to be subservient to men. Though I don't expect you to understand or even agree. It is hard for me to agree sometimes but in the end of the day, I'm a product of my one raising. Putting my mans needs before my own. Dont get me wrong. I am very independent very strong willed and stubborn young lady. I have passion. I am driven. I am not meek.

Point is, I have a very different way or doing things and have a very different way of raising than most girls in this day and age. I may not be the most attractive woman, though I am very confident. If I am in your life and you have not recognized what I am, you are a fool. Because any man would be lucky to have me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Moving around a lot sort if limits your ability to maintain real friendships. Though I love and appreciate the kind of friendships were you can walk into their place anytime and feel at home. Being able to rummage through their kitchen and serve yourself to anything you find pleasing. I like being able to argue and move past it. To be able to be honest. To be in a room together doing completely different things and not feel the need for conversation and feel totally comfortable in the silence. Most of all I love it when they feel comfortable enough to do all those things to me. To walk into my apartment, feel totally at home and drink my last Dr. Pepper. Though naturally I have to complain about this ;) . I treasure these kinds of friendships and these little things are what will maintain you in my life no matter how many times I move.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 day weekends!

So starting October 1st we will be closed on Sundays. Giving me a 3 day weekend til December! Granted I will be working some Monday's and Tuesday's my normal days off but I still will get that extra day most weeks. Now all i need is a new ski jacket, a season pass, oh and for it to start snowing around here! :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Get Pitted.

Old work closing song "Chocolate Rain"
New work closing song "Get Pitted"
I hate you Jet.
Watch "Get Pitted" by clicking on song title.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


For the time being I can and genuinely admit to being happy. A co-worker smiling at the idea of saving trees. A friend finding true joy at making onion glass. What else could I want? :D


Booking Number: 8692665
Departing Flight - Monday, Oct 31, 2011
US Airways
Flight 364
Airbus Jet Jet
Seat: 13A
Airline confirmation: AE0G9X
Reno (RNO)
09:40am -Oct 31, Mon
Phoenix (PHX)
11:21am -Oct 31, Mon

Operated by US Airways
Flight Duration: 1hr 41min
Total Trip Time: 1hr 41min

Return Flight - Thursday, Nov 03, 2011
United Airlines
Flight 1561
BOEING 737-900 Jet
Seat: 25A
Airline confirmation: XJ0VBC
Phoenix (PHX)
07:20am -Nov 03, Thu
Houston Intercontinental (IAH)
11:55am -Nov 03, Thu

American Airlines
Flight 3328
Seat: 13C
Airline confirmation: JBNPQP
Houston Hobby (HOU)
07:35pm -Nov 07, Mon
Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)
08:40pm -Nov 07, Mon

US Airways
Flight 600
Boeing 737-300 Jet
Seat: 13F
Airline confirmation: AE0G9X
Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)
08:20am -Nov 15, Tue
Phoenix (PHX)
10:13am -Nov 15, Tue

Operated by US Airways
US Airways
Flight 522
Airbus Jet Jet
Seat: 11A
Airline confirmation: AE0G9X
Phoenix (PHX)
11:00am -Nov 15, Tue
Reno (RNO)
11:53am -Nov 15, Tue

Operated by US Airways

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011


So, Thailand in November won't be happening. The friends that were going, well they're still going just on different dates. Good news, I can finally make it down to texas an see all my amazing friends. So this is attempt número dos this year so pray this time it happens! Fingers crossed. :D so stoked.


It's back baby!

Location:Donner Pass Rd,Truckee,United States

I'm a real girl!

So I have gotten hooked on this Korean tv show called Boys Over Flowers. I even bought the soundtrack. What can I say im obsessed. Joonpyo! Jihoo! Now I am watching Playful Kiss. I'll let you know more about it once I'm further into the series.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I just need to make it though this week. Then sleep!

What it does to me.

I have been eating hot cheetos excessively lately. For those of you who know me well, well you know what this means.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


First two weeks of November off! Thailand might just be a go!


My Batroom mirror. It reads

"To know and follow your destiny means surrendering and letting go of some of the things you want the most"

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Language

I chose the Lotus flower painting because of it's significance in Asian cultures and art.

So I think it is time I learn a new language. I want to learn an Asian language. I want to learn more about their culture but most of all I think I would like to eventually visit and learn how to cook their delicious food! I narrowed it down to 3 I am more interested in. Korean, Japanese or Chinese (mandarin). What are your thoughts. I think I'm leaning more towards Japanese and Korean though. .........

Love Story

This is a picture of a Korean TV show called Boys over Flowers. Heartbreaking beautiful love story.

I'm looking for my own love story. Maybe that's the problem.

Stella Culinary

Hey everyone. I know I mentioned to some of you that I would post some of my recipes here. I lied. Well not entirely. I will give you a link to a great website where some of the work and recipes I have had input are in. This is the website for the restaurant I work in and a website our great chef has put a lot of thought and love into so check it out!
You should check out the halibut ceviche recipe.
Have fun exploring and learning how to cook like a star!


I have a friend leaving for Thailand for a month in the middle of October. I was invited to come along. I have what is considered an "Adult" job. So going would mean quitting. Quitting would mean I get to go. Go? Travel. I mean this is what I eventually want to do. I love my job. Great Job great opportunity. Though I could always look for a job in Thailand or surrounding Asian countries and live there for a bit. Comments?