Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lucky to have me

Growing up with movies like Disney and other media driven propaganda we are led to believe that we are somehow special and unique. I quite disagree. Not that's it's not true but I believe you can't be special and unique to an individual until they get to know you. You can't expect for an important or famous person to remember your face least your name. To them you are just another fan. It is until you become more of a fan that you become memorable. When this happens it is like a huge compliment to be remembered in a sea of faces. I do however believe that our experiences, knowledge and the environment we were set in this world are unique to every individual. Nobody else knows everything exactly like us or has had the same experiences much less raised in the same environment with the same rules and customs. That would be bizarre.

Not to sound conceited in any way but I know that I posses a lot of good qualities. Qualities that were driven into me by my parents and qualities that I had to work on to obtain. I was raised very old school I guess you could say. I was raised to be a lady and everything that that entails. I was thought not to argue or speak back (though this doesn't always work). I was thought to keep my voice at a certain noise level ( yes this is why I am so soft spoken and lets have a laugh for the old church mouse comment). I know sewing, knitting, painting, drawing, interior decorating, flower arranging (don't ask), have a good fashion sense, and of-course I can cook better than most committed housewives. The last one comes with the territory in which I have depended my livelihood on ( I think the only thing i missed was knowing how to play the piano and have a broad knowledge of languages to be the perfect 18th century housewife). When a meal is prepared I serve men first. It's what I was thought. I remember their dislikes and likes. A woman always has to be attentive. I was thought to be subservient to men. Though I don't expect you to understand or even agree. It is hard for me to agree sometimes but in the end of the day, I'm a product of my one raising. Putting my mans needs before my own. Dont get me wrong. I am very independent very strong willed and stubborn young lady. I have passion. I am driven. I am not meek.

Point is, I have a very different way or doing things and have a very different way of raising than most girls in this day and age. I may not be the most attractive woman, though I am very confident. If I am in your life and you have not recognized what I am, you are a fool. Because any man would be lucky to have me.

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