Thursday, January 5, 2012


So with yet another wedding (rumored so far) to be happening in my family well it got me curious on the whole institution of the wedding ritual.Those who know me know that I do not enjoy weddings. I know I'm horrible. Anyways I realized I know almost nothing of weddings. Not having attended many or paid any attention to those I did. When my brothers got married, well I was too young to pay attention. Anyways, with my recent siblings getting married and with them wanting me in their wedding. Well I thought I'd do some research. Yes, I know sort of embarrassing! Not that I still have gained much knowledge but I have found some really hilarious things! For example you honestly have to read this!.. Anyways, I didn't know who did what or who was responsible to do what etc. etc. I want to be well prepared for what my role would be in these weddings to come. I mean there is possibly no polite way to tell a sibling you do not want to be in their wedding. Thus I must succumb to a new experience (I was going to say horrible experience but I decided to go with the positive outlook ). Wish me luck. As far as my research goes, well I didn't get too far. I was reading about the bridal bouquet toss and the significance and history behind it. While I was in Texas (I'm sure you'll read more about this once I decide to continue on the overview of my trip!) I attended a wedding with Kendell Wilson. Her cousin was getting married. I went more mainly for curiosity. When the bouquet toss came along. We were already ready to leave, our jackets on, our purses over our shoulders. I mean we were ready to hit the road. Someone stopped us and asked if we could join the bouquet toss. A look around pitifully showed the lack of single women in this wedding. They desperately needed our numbers. So I decided to stand and be part of the crowd. Well the bouquet was tossed and it was coming straight at me! I panicked. I jumped back. HAHAHA. Someone stepped in front of me, to my relief, and caught the bouquet. I know. You just don't know, okay, it was a horrifying moment. I mean these things can get vicious! You have no idea. I feared for my life..........

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