Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I completely respect doctors and their profession.

They are a huge inspiration. Even though once I might have had the idea of becoming one myself I know that I never could. I don't doubt my skills or my intelligence. I doubt my dedication. I don't have the discipline and dedication to do what they do everyday. I admire them greatly. Maybe now I would be just satisfied by marrying one ;) tehehehe. I know, I know, they also come with a lifetime of debts but the heart and discipline that they have is enough for me to swoon. Yes, I do know that discipline and dedication (especially if you strive to be the best at what you do) also means that they have no free time and are always working. I can live with that. I'm always working. Besides I'm not your typical dependent girl. I do very well by myself. I have always been very independent and just because a ring is on my finger is not going to magically change that. I have to live with someone who understands that. Usually those people come with goals of their own.

For the moment though, I am doing very well for myself and am not in need of lifetime companionship. The passing friendships and my various adventures are what fill my soul. I have learned that about myself. Some day I will have my fill and someday I would like to share these things with somebody else. Someday...... but today it is way too beautiful outside to be sitting and wasting time writing about idealism.

So ciao everyone. Talk to you soon.

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